Are you having trouble paying your mortgage?
Has your world fallen down around you?
Do you think you need to do a short sale?
Is the bank ready to foreclose on your home?
Are you eligible for a Home Affordable Refinance to take advantage of lower interest rates?
Is a bankruptcy the only way out of your dilemma?
Don’t give up yet. Get the information you need to mover forward and get appropriate professional advise.
The first step is to find out who owns your loan.
You will one step closer to the possibility of a refinance that will allow you to stay in your home.
You can find out if Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac owns your loan directly by clicking on the links below.
After finding out whether your mortgage is owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, see if you may be eligible for a Home Affordable Refinance by clicking on this link. Find out if you may be eligible
If you are not eligible for a refinance or you believe your hardship is too great to overcome unless you get out of your home, what should you do?
Always remember!!! Don’t ask your real estate agent if you should do a foreclosure or a short sale. A real estate agent can help you sell your home, but only if it is the right thing to do.
If your real estate agent tells you that doing a short sale is the right thing to do, you need to find a new real estate agent. Real estate agents cannot give financial or legal advise.
Ask a real estate attorney and a CPA what would be best for you. Only after you have the appropriate legal and financial advise, and your advisors tell you that the best thing you can do is to do a short sale, should you talk with your real estate agent about doing a short sale.
If you need a referral to a real estate attorney, send me an email and I will send you the information you need.
If you need a real estate agent with integrity, give me a call. I won’t help you with a short sale unless you have obtained legal and financial advise. As far as I am concerned, it is all about you and what is best for you.
Jack A Edwards, Realtor
CA DRE#01331087
Start building your memories,
as you turn your house into a home.
As you might guess, this document is a compilation of information from our own efforts as REALTORS, as well as input from other REALTORS in our Coldwell Banker office. I hope it has been of value to you. Don’t hesitate to email us with any suggestions that will make this document better for you and your fellow homeowners!
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