Love Where You Live

“Love Where You Live,” is more than just a slogan from Coldwell Banker Realty. It is an attitude, a point of view, a way of life!  I do love where I live, and, I am also a Realtor with Coldwell Banker Realty.

How can one expect to be a great Realtor, asking people to buy a home in their community rather than some other community, if you don’t love where you live?

As a Realtor, you are an ambassador for your community! To be a successful ambassador, you have to believe in what you are selling, you have to love where you live.

One of the challenges of selling what you believe in; is having the right tools to show what you are saying to the people with whom you are talking. Twenty years ago, there weren’t very many options for marketing or advertising your community. We didn’t have Youtube, Facebook, Instagram or any of the social media tools that we have access to today.

Because of the lack of available tools, I started building my website so that I could show prospective buyer clients what I was saying about why they should consider living in Elk Grove. Not Folsom or Rocklin or Roseville.

I knew that building a website would be a lot of work and it’s something that would need to be maintained and updated constantly. I didn’t see any other option. Sacramento Magazine was all about selling Sacramento. Our Chamber of Commerce publication was more about telling businesses why they should relocate to Elk Grove or why they should start their business in Elk Grove. There wasn’t a City of Elk Grove at that time. I was kind of left to my own devices, and since I knew how to build a website that was the path I took.

All of my clients, during those first few years of being a Realtor, came from my website and my website marketing. Only after a few years did I have enough referral business to move from being just a buyer’s agent to being a sellar’s agent too.

Today’s real estate agents have something that I didn’t have, it’s called Be Local. This monthly publication, in full color, and on slick pages, shows and tells every potential home buyer why they should buy a home in Elk Grove.

Not only that, the publishers of Be Local, will give every agent access to an online version of the magazine that they can share with their buyer clients. And even better, there isn’t a single competing Realtor advertisement within their pages to entice your potential client away with a bigger or fancier ad!!!   In fact, if I am talking with an out-of-town buyer, I always send them the link to Be Local so that they, too, can fall in love with Elk Grove before they get here to look at homes. As an agent, I would suggest that you add a link to Be Local to your signature block so that you are sharing it with every email you send.

Be Local is a publication about our community, with articles written by your friends and neighbors, telling your buyer client’s why you “Love Where You Live.”

Be Local also offers advertising opportunities, but not ads within the publication, to use their publication to build a bigger and stronger real estate business. Talk with them about those options.

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Another thought that has not yet bloomed into a full blog post has to do with the following statement, “The great thing about entertaining out-of-town company is that I rediscover the beauty of our sunny place and fall a little more in love, every time, with the elements that make up our community of Elk Grove when I’m showing it to someone else.” You can bet that I will also have a link to Be Local in that blog post as well.